Program Application

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    Conversion action Online purchase with processed valid payment
    Cookie days 30 days
    Commission type Percent of Sale
    Base commission 10.00%
    Additional terms CanadaWide Sports Inc. Affiliate Agreement
    This agreement contains the complete terms and conditions for your participation in the Canadawide Inc. Affiliate Program. As used in this agreement “we”, “us”, or “HockeyShot” means “CanadaWideSports Inc”, the product owner and publisher. “Affiliate” refers to you, the applicant. “Affiliate Program” means the program managed by or on behalf of by which participating entities place links on their website that connect to the website and for which a referral is earned. Modification We may modify any of the terms and conditions within this agreement at any time and at our sole discretion. These modifications may include, but are not limited to changes in the scope of available referral fees, fee schedules, payment procedures and affiliate program rules. If any of the modifications are unacceptable to you, your only recourse is to terminate this agreement. Your continued participation in the program, will be construed as your acceptance of all modifications and charges. Enrolment To enrol in the affiliate program, you must submit an affiliate application from our affiliate page to join. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Please allow 5-10 business days for processing. HockeyShot reserves the right to deny approval into its affiliate program to any applicant that is deemed unqualified for any reason at our sole and absolute discretion. This includes, but is not limited to, the qualifying sites listed in paragraph 8 of this agreement. Commissions Affiliates will be paid a referral fee (“commission”), for each customer who completes a purchase through the unique affiliate link assigned to the affiliate (the “link”). Commissions will be calculated based upon the gross sales price. Gross sales price is defined as all payments received by HockeyShot by the sale of the product, but not including any shipping and handling, sales tax, special services fees, such as gift wrapping or packaging, late charges, collection costs, import/export duties, amounts due to credit card fraud, credits given to customers, bad debt write-off and refunded products or services. The affiliate will only be paid commissions on sales that are tracked through HockeyShot’’s online tracking system and indicate the link as the source. For a sale to generate a commission to an affiliate, the customer must complete the order form and remit full payment for the product ordered through the secure order system. Word of mouth referrals will not result in an affiliate commission. Commissions will only be paid on sales that are made when the customer clicks through qualified, correctly structured affiliate links. Properly coded links are the sole responsibility of the affiliate. The commission rate will be 10 (Percent %) of the Gross sales price of each completed purchase made through the affiliate link after payment to HockeyShot. HockeyShot reserves the right to change and or amend the commission rate structure at any time, in our sole discretion. This includes an increase in commissions during a limited time special promotion. Affiliates may not purchase the HockeyShot products or services through his/her own link for personal use and receive a commission on that sale. Commissions will not be paid on any sale or amount attributed to spam or credit card fraud. Payment HockeyShot pays affiliate monthly on the 1st of the following month. For example, January sales are paid on February 1st. Commissions will be adjusted for orders that are canceled, delinquent, returned or where payment is otherwise refunded to the purchaser. All payments will be made to the affiliates Paypal account. It is the affiliates responsibility to provide up to date and accurate account information. Commissions sent to the wrong account is the sole responsibility of the affiliate to retrieve. The affiliate will be responsible for all costs incurred by HockeyShot in aiding in the correction of monies sent to wrong accounts. Order Fulfillment HockeyShot will be solely responsible for processing every order placed by a customer via affiliate links. Affiliates are not authorized to collect payments or sell any HockeyShot products or services from other websites as a “reseller” and no “resale” rights are granted in ANY way. Affiliates are not authorized to sell any of these products or services on ebay or any other auction sites. HockeyShot will also be solely responsible for all customer service inquiries. Customers who purchase products and services through the HockeyShot affiliate program will be deemed to be customers of HockeyShot. Accordingly, all rules, policies, and operating procedures concerning customer orders and services will apply to those customers, including our rules of privacy and confidentiality. We may change our policies and operating procedures at any time, without notice. Prices and availability of our products and services may vary from time to time as well. Term and Termination The term of this agreement (the “Term”) will begin upon our acceptance of your site and your acceptance of this agreement and will end when terminated by either party. Either HockeyShot or the affiliate may terminate this agreement at any time, with or without cause, by giving the other thirty (30) days written notice of termination. Upon the termination of this agreement for any reason, all licenses granted hereunder shall immediately terminate and you will immediately cease use of, and remove from Affiliates website, all links to the HockeyShot websites, all HockeyShot trademarks and logos, all other HockeyShot marks and all other materials provided in connection with this program. You are only eligible to earn commissions on sales occurring during the Term and commissions earned through the date of termination will remain payable only if the product orders are not canceled. HockeyShot may withhold final payment for a reasonable time to ensure against cancellations. Qualifying Sites HockeyShot reserves the right to refuse any site entry into the HockeyShot affiliate program based on site content. Sites that do not qualify for the affiliate program include, but are not limited to sites which: - Promote sexually explicit material - Promote violence - Promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age - Promote illegal activities - List coupon codes or discounts that were not officially provided to them by HockeyShot. Want to promote a coupon? Contact us and we can work with you. You may NOT promote coupon codes you may have found elsewhere online. Doing so can result in termination of your affiliate account and withholding of commissions for violating our Affiliate Program; - Infringe or otherwise violate any copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights of HockeyShot or any other individual or company Return Policy HockeyShot products and services usually have a 30 day money back guarantee. There are chances that customers ask for a refund. So in order for an affiliate to get paid, the product refund period has to end. If a customer that you refer ask for a refund or the transaction is cancelled, your commission is automatically revoked/rejected. Some of our products have a 1 year warranty so we’ll need to account for this. How do we do this? EXCEPTIONS TO OUR STANDARD WARRANTY HockeyShot Synthetic Ice Revolution Tiles Both Regular and Premium Synthetic Ice Revolution tiles carry a 1-year manufacturer's warranty. Extreme Glide Synthetic Ice Panels HockeyShot Extreme Glide Synthetic Ice panels carry a 1-year manufacturer's warranty. Intellectual Property Rights HockeyShot grants the affiliate during the Term, a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable worldwide, royalty free license to use our graphical banners (if a specific size banner ad is not available, the affiliate may contact HockeyShot [email protected] and request a new banner size be added) and design resources located in our affiliate login area for the purposes of promoting, advertising, announcing or marketing the affiliate’s participation in the affiliate program, but reserves the right to do so at its sole discretion. We reserve all rights, title and interest in our intellectual property rights. Use of our marks except as set forth herein are strictly prohibited. Affiliates Duties The following cases, include, but are not limited to examples of prohibited use and are grounds for immediate termination of affiliate’s participation in the affiliate program: - Affiliates may not use the HockeyShot logo, logo marks or other HockeyShot website/branding imagery in a header graphic or in any way as to indicate they are official affiliated or partnered with HockeyShot, unless given written permission by HockeyShot - Affiliates may not use the term HockeyShot in any variation in their site URL. (ie.,, [company-name].com, etc) - Affiliates may not promote coupons that were not provided to them personally by HockeyShot. - Affiliates may not host or promote “coupon stacking” sites where customers may combine coupons to receive additional discounts. Anti-Spam Policy HockeyShot strictly prohibits affiliates from using spam email and other forms of internet abuse (including spamming forums, blogs and social media platforms) in an effort to increase sales. Spam is defined as - Electronic mail messages addressed to a recipient with whom the sender does not have an existing business or personal relationship or is not sent at the request of, or with the express consent of, the recipient through an opt-in subscription. - Messages posted on Usenet, forums, social media platforms and message boards that are off-topic (unrelated to the topic of discussion), cross posted to unrelated new groups, posted in excess volume, or posted against forum/message board rules. Read the forum rules if anything is unclear. - Content posted on free blog sites for the sole purpose of keyword spamming or commenting to legitimate blogs that violate the policy of the blog owner. - Solicitations posted to chat rooms, groups or individuals via Internet Relay Chat (IRC) or instant messaging (IM) platforms/systems. - Certain offline activities that, while not considered spamming, are similar in nature, including distributing flyers or leaflets on private property or where prohibited by applicable rules, regulations or laws. HockeyShot, may undertake at its sole discretion and with or without prior notice, the following enforcement actions: - Account termination; upon receipt of a credible complaint, HockeyShot may investigate the complaint, and if necessary, will then terminate the affiliate. Termination results in the immediate closure of the affiliate account, the loss of all referrals and forfeiture of all commissions. At HockeyShot discretion termination may not only result in being banned from the affiliate program, but also being banned from any other internal affiliate program. - If you wish to report a violation of our anti-spam policy, please forward all relevant evidence to [email protected] Relationship of Parties Affiliates are independent contractors and nothing in this agreement will be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative, or employment relationship between the parties. Affiliates have no authority to make or accept any offers or representations on our behalf of HockeyShot. Affiliates will not make any statement, whether on their site or otherwise, that reasonably would not contradict this statement. Limitation of Liability HockeyShot disclaims any liability for any indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages (including without limitation, lost profits, revenue, expenditures or data) arising out of this agreement or the affiliate program. HockeyShot entire liability arising from this agreement whether in contract or Tort will not exceed the commission amounts payable to the affiliate hereunder. Disclaimers We make no express or implied warranties, representations with respect to the affiliate program or an affiliate’s potential to earn income from the affiliate program. In Addition, we make no representation that the operation of websites or the links will be uninterrupted or error-free and HockeyShot will not be liable for the consequences of any interruptions or errors. Miscellaneous Our failure to enforce your strict performance of any provision of this agreement will not constitute a waiver of our right to subsequently enforce such provision of this agreement. If any of the provisions of this agreement are determined by a court to be unenforceable, they shall be severed from this agreement, and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. By signing up with the HockeyShot affiliate program, you acknowledge that you have read this agreement and agree to all of its terms and conditions. You have independently evaluated this program and are not relying on any representation, guarantee or statement other than as set forth in this agreement. Qualified Transaction and compensation details Online sales Payout - You earn 10% of the gross sales price as defined in paragraph 5 “Commissions” Crediting Policy - Last click Click Referral Period - Referrals are only considered for credit if they occur within the cookie period of 30 days Action locking - Actions in a month are locked for 30 days after the end of the month they take place in. Payout Scheduling - Affiliate coupon tracking - Available upon request Affiliate Direct Links - This can be customized. Please contact us if you wish to move forward. Special Terms Currency - USD (for us we do USD)...For Canada, we do CDN Affiliate Payouts – Paypal – See above in yellow. Change Notification Period - Modified or canceled by email Reversal Policy - Decided by HockeyShot with max reversal of 100% Paid Search Terms - Bidding on the HockeyShot brand and trademark names or their misspellings or variations is prohibited. Search terms must all be generic. All affiliates PPC ads must go to a landing page owned and operated by the affiliate unless specific landing page created by HockeyShot that is customized for the affiliate (to request a custom landing page, please contact [email protected].

    CanadaWide Sports Inc. Affiliate Agreement

    This agreement contains the complete terms and conditions for your participation in the Canadawide Inc. Affiliate Program. As used in this agreement “we”, “us”, or “HockeyShot” means “CanadaWideSports Inc”, the product owner and publisher. “Affiliate” refers to you, the applicant. “Affiliate Program” means the program managed by or on behalf of by which participating entities place links on their website that connect to the website and for which a referral is earned.


    We may modify any of the terms and conditions within this agreement at any time and at our sole discretion. These modifications may include, but are not limited to changes in the scope of available referral fees, fee schedules, payment procedures and affiliate program rules. If any of the modifications are unacceptable to you, your only recourse is to terminate this agreement. Your continued participation in the program, will be construed as your acceptance of all modifications and charges.


    To enrol in the affiliate program, you must submit an affiliate application from our affiliate page to join. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Please allow 5-10 business days for processing. HockeyShot reserves the right to deny approval into its affiliate program to any applicant that is deemed unqualified for any reason at our sole and absolute discretion. This includes, but is not limited to, the qualifying sites listed in paragraph 8 of this agreement.


    Affiliates will be paid a referral fee (“commission”), for each customer who completes a purchase through the unique affiliate link assigned to the affiliate (the “link”). Commissions will be calculated based upon the gross sales price. Gross sales price is defined as all payments received by HockeyShot by the sale of the product, but not including any shipping and handling, sales tax, special services fees, such as gift wrapping or packaging, late charges, collection costs, import/export duties, amounts due to credit card fraud, credits given to customers, bad debt write-off and refunded products or services.

    The affiliate will only be paid commissions on sales that are tracked through HockeyShot’’s online tracking system and indicate the link as the source. For a sale to generate a commission to an affiliate, the customer must complete the order form and remit full payment for the product ordered through the secure order system. Word of mouth referrals will not result in an affiliate commission. Commissions will only be paid on sales that are made when the customer clicks through qualified, correctly structured affiliate links. Properly coded links are the sole responsibility of the affiliate.

    The commission rate will be 10 (Percent %) of the Gross sales price of each completed purchase made through the affiliate link after payment to HockeyShot. HockeyShot reserves

    the right to change and or amend the commission rate structure at any time, in our sole discretion. This includes an increase in commissions during a limited time special promotion.

    Affiliates may not purchase the HockeyShot products or services through his/her own link for personal use and receive a commission on that sale.

    Commissions will not be paid on any sale or amount attributed to spam or credit card fraud.


    HockeyShot pays affiliate monthly on the 1st of the following month. For example, January sales are paid on February 1st. Commissions will be adjusted for orders that are canceled, delinquent, returned or where payment is otherwise refunded to the purchaser.

    All payments will be made to the affiliates Paypal account. It is the affiliates responsibility to provide up to date and accurate account information. Commissions sent to the wrong account is the sole responsibility of the affiliate to retrieve. The affiliate will be responsible for all costs incurred by HockeyShot in aiding in the correction of monies sent to wrong accounts.

    Order Fulfillment

    HockeyShot will be solely responsible for processing every order placed by a customer via affiliate links. Affiliates are not authorized to collect payments or sell any HockeyShot products or services from other websites as a “reseller” and no “resale” rights are granted in ANY way. Affiliates are not authorized to sell any of these products or services on ebay or any other auction sites. HockeyShot will also be solely responsible for all customer service inquiries.

    Customers who purchase products and services through the HockeyShot affiliate program will be deemed to be customers of HockeyShot. Accordingly, all rules, policies, and operating procedures concerning customer orders and services will apply to those customers, including our rules of privacy and confidentiality. We may change our policies and operating procedures at any time, without notice. Prices and availability of our products and services may vary from time to time as well.

    Term and Termination

    The term of this agreement (the “Term”) will begin upon our acceptance of your site and your acceptance of this agreement and will end when terminated by either party. Either HockeyShot or the affiliate may terminate this agreement at any time, with or without cause, by giving the other thirty (30) days written notice of termination. Upon the termination of this agreement for any reason, all licenses granted hereunder shall immediately terminate and you will immediately cease use of, and remove from Affiliates website, all links to the HockeyShot websites, all HockeyShot trademarks and logos, all other HockeyShot marks

    and all other materials provided in connection with this program. You are only eligible to earn commissions on sales occurring during the Term and commissions earned through the date of termination will remain payable only if the product orders are not canceled. HockeyShot may withhold final payment for a reasonable time to ensure against cancellations.

    HockeyShot reserves the right to terminate the agreement with no notice if suspected spam/fraud is involved.

    Qualifying Sites

    HockeyShot reserves the right to refuse any site entry into the HockeyShot affiliate program based on site content. Sites that do not qualify for the affiliate program include, but are not limited to sites which:

    - Promote sexually explicit material

    - Promote violence

    - Promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age

    - Promote illegal activities

    - List coupon codes or discounts that were not officially provided to them by HockeyShot. Want to promote a coupon? Contact us and we can work with you. You may not promote coupon codes you may have found elsewhere online. Doing so can result in termination of your affiliate account and withholding of commissions for violating our Affiliate Program;

    - Infringe or otherwise violate any copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights of HockeyShot or any other individual or company

    Return Policy

    HockeyShot products and services usually have a 30 day money back guarantee. There are chances that customers ask for a refund. So in order for an affiliate to get paid, the product refund period has to end. If a customer that you refer ask for a refund or the transaction is cancelled, your commission is automatically revoked/rejected.

    Some of our products have a 1 year warranty so we’ll need to account for this. How do we do this?


    HockeyShot Synthetic Ice Revolution Tiles

    Both Regular and Premium Synthetic Ice Revolution tiles carry a 1-year manufacturer's warranty.

    Extreme Glide Synthetic Ice Panels

    HockeyShot Extreme Glide Synthetic Ice panels carry a 1-year manufacturer's warranty.

    Intellectual Property Rights

    HockeyShot grants the affiliate during the Term, a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable worldwide, royalty free license to use our graphical banners (if a specific size banner ad is not available, the affiliate may contact HockeyShot [email protected] and request a new banner size be added) and design resources located in our affiliate login area for the purposes of promoting, advertising, announcing or marketing the affiliate’s participation in the affiliate program, but reserves the right to do so at its sole discretion.

    We reserve all rights, title and interest in our intellectual property rights. Use of our marks except as set forth herein are strictly prohibited.

    Affiliates Duties

    The following cases, include, but are not limited to examples of prohibited use and are grounds for immediate termination of affiliate’s participation in the affiliate program:

    - Affiliates may not use the HockeyShot logo, logo marks or other HockeyShot website/branding imagery in a header graphic or in any way as to indicate they are official affiliated or partnered with HockeyShot, unless given written permission by HockeyShot

    - Affiliates may not use the term HockeyShot in any variation in their site URL. (ie.,, [company-name].com, etc)

    - Affiliates may not promote coupons that were not provided to them personally by HockeyShot.

    - Affiliates may not host or promote “coupon stacking” sites where customers may combine coupons to receive additional discounts.

    -Affiliates are required to generate at least one sale every three months to maintain their agreement. Additionally, affiliates must create one piece of content each month on a social platform of their choosing. The affiliate must ensure the content does not prominently feature competitors' products or include competitors' tag handles. If any branding besides HockeyShot is visible, it must be from approved brands (CCM, Warrior); if the affiliate is unsure if a brand is approved, they must contact [email protected] to inquire before posting. If the terms are not meant, HockeyShot has the right to terminate the agreement with 30 days notice.

    Anti-Spam Policy

    HockeyShot strictly prohibits affiliates from using spam email and other forms of internet abuse (including spamming forums, blogs and social media platforms) in an effort to increase sales.

    Spam is defined as

    - Electronic mail messages addressed to a recipient with whom the sender does not have an existing business or personal relationship or is not sent at the request of, or with the express consent of, the recipient through an opt-in subscription.

    - Messages posted on Usenet, forums, social media platforms and message boards that are off-topic (unrelated to the topic of discussion), cross posted to unrelated new groups, posted in excess volume, or posted against forum/message board rules. Read the forum rules if anything is unclear.

    - Content posted on free blog sites for the sole purpose of keyword spamming or commenting to legitimate blogs that violate the policy of the blog owner.

    - Solicitations posted to chat rooms, groups or individuals via Internet Relay Chat (IRC) or instant messaging (IM) platforms/systems.

    - Certain offline activities that, while not considered spamming, are similar in nature, including distributing flyers or leaflets on private property or where prohibited by applicable rules, regulations or laws.

    HockeyShot, may undertake at its sole discretion and with or without prior notice, the following enforcement actions:

    - Account termination; upon receipt of a credible complaint, HockeyShot may investigate the complaint, and if necessary, will then terminate the affiliate. Termination results in the immediate closure of the affiliate account, the loss of all referrals and forfeiture of all commissions. At HockeyShot discretion termination may not only result in being banned from the affiliate program, but also being banned from any other internal affiliate program.

    - If you wish to report a violation of our anti-spam policy, please forward all relevant evidence to [email protected]

    Relationship of Parties

    Affiliates are independent contractors and nothing in this agreement will be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative, or employment relationship between the parties. Affiliates have no authority to make or accept any offers or representations on our behalf of HockeyShot. Affiliates will not make any statement, whether on their site or otherwise, that reasonably would not contradict this statement.

    Limitation of Liability

    HockeyShot disclaims any liability for any indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages (including without limitation, lost profits, revenue, expenditures or data) arising out of this agreement or the affiliate program. HockeyShot entire liability arising from this agreement whether in contract or Tort will not exceed the commission amounts payable to the affiliate hereunder.


    We make no express or implied warranties, representations with respect to the affiliate program or an affiliate’s potential to earn income from the affiliate program. In Addition, we make no representation that the operation of websites or the links will be uninterrupted or error-free and HockeyShot will not be liable for the consequences of any interruptions or errors.


    Our failure to enforce your strict performance of any provision of this agreement will not constitute a waiver of our right to subsequently enforce such provision of this agreement.

    If any of the provisions of this agreement are determined by a court to be unenforceable, they shall be severed from this agreement, and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

    By signing up with the HockeyShot affiliate program, you acknowledge that you have read this agreement and agree to all of its terms and conditions. You have independently evaluated this program and are not relying on any representation, guarantee or statement other than as set forth in this agreement.

    Qualified Transaction and compensation details

    Online sales

    Payout - You earn 10% of the gross sales price as defined in paragraph 5 “Commissions”

    Crediting Policy - Last click

    Click Referral Period - Referrals are only considered for credit if they occur within the cookie period of 30 days

    Action locking - Actions in a month are locked for 30 days after the end of the month they take place in.

    Payout Scheduling - 30 days after the referral is made (possible up to a week longer for verification purposes and admin)

    Affiliate coupon tracking - Available upon request

    Affiliate Direct Links - This can be customized. Please contact us if you wish to move forward.

    Special Terms

    Currency - USD (for us we do USD)...For Canada, we do CDN

    Affiliate Payouts – Paypal – We will do commission payouts via Paypal only

    Change Notification Period - Modified or canceled by email

    Reversal Policy - Decided by HockeyShot with max reversal of 100%

    Paid Search Terms - Bidding on the HockeyShot brand and trademark names or their misspellings or variations is prohibited. Search terms must all be generic. All affiliates PPC ads must go to a landing page owned and operated by the affiliate unless specific landing page created by HockeyShot that is customized for the affiliate (to request a custom landing page, please contact [email protected].


    CanadaWide Sports Inc. (“CanadaWide Sports”, “we”, “us” or “our”) respects your privacy and pledges to earn and keep your trust. All personal information that we collect from you is maintained in accordance with this Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) and will not be used in ways that are contrary to this Policy. “Personal information” is any information that identifies you, or by which your identity could be deduced. Business contact information is a category of personal information (e.g., an individual’s name, business title, business address or business telephone number), which is defined as any information used for the purpose of communicating or facilitating communication with an individual in relation to their employment, business or profession. Organizations can collect, use and disclose business contact information without consent as long as it is used solely for the purpose of communicating or facilitating communication with someone with respect to his/her job.

    This policy is incorporated by reference to our Terms of Use.


    In most cases, we will ask you to provide explicit consent before we collect, use or disclose your personal information. Consent may also be implied in other cases through your conduct with us. For example, by providing your personal information and complete registration to create a user account and become a member, you will have consented to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Policy.

    You may withdraw your consent at any time. However, if you choose to withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide you with the full range of services available through our website.


    We collect personal information only by lawful and fair means and not in an intrusive way. In most cases, we collect personal information directly from you, such as through online information forms if you submit an inquiry to us. While we may also use the information that you provided when you signed up as a member, we will only do so in accordance with this Policy.

    Like many other websites, we also use passive tracking technologies and third-party analytics tools to collect information from you. These tools may automatically monitor and track information related to activities on our website, including the methods described below.


    At times we send your computer a "cookie," a small piece of data that is stored in a file on your hard drive. The use of cookies is standard procedure for websites, and those from our website are secure and do not carry viruses. We use cookies to give you better, more personalized service once you've become a member of our website. This information is for internal use only; we don't share it with others. You're always free to decline our cookies if your browser permits, but some parts of our website may not work properly for you if you do. 


    All computers and servers on the Internet use IP addresses to recognize and communicate with each other. Collecting IP addresses allows us to administer and analyze our website and report non-personal information (such as how many visitors we have). When you call up a page on your computer, our servers enter the IP address of that computer into a log.


    We may also collect information if you engage with our website through a third-party social media platform. For example, if you interact with us by using a hashtag on Twitter or Instagram, we and other users of the social media platform may be able to view your profile, depending on your privacy settings on that platform. Your use of third party platforms remains subject to the terms and conditions and privacy policies that you have agreed to with such platforms.


    Personal information collected by us is used internally by our authorized employees for three main purposes: First, we collect personal information to figure out which areas, features, and products are liked the most and found most helpful by our visitors, so we can continue to improve the website. Second, we collect personal information in order to customize the website for our users (for example, it allows us to know if you're a member or not). Finally, we collect personal information to enable our users to participate in sweepstakes, contests, services, and other activities on our website.

    Specifically, we collect your personal information as in order to:

    • Respond to requests and queries you submit to us;
    • Create and maintain a unique user account for you if you register as a member;
    • Communicate with you about your account and updates to our website, products and services;
    • Allow you to submit orders for our products and services through our website;
    • Process payment transactions and send you the products that you purchase through our online store;
    • Communicate with you about your purchase orders, or communicate our email newsletter to you, if you make a purchase on our online store or opt-in to receive these communications;
    • Understand your preferences and tailor offers and services to you based on these preferences; and
    • Conduct analyses and evaluations to understand consumer trends and usage related to our products in order to improve our websites, services and marketing communications
    • Text marketing: With your permission, we may send text messages about our store, new products, and other updates. Updates include Checkout Reminders. Webhooks will be used to trigger the Checkout Reminders messaging system.

    We will never sell or rent your information to third parties. However, we may share your information with other parties in certain situations, such as service providers acting on our behalf to provide services to you.

    Your personal information will only be disclosed to third parties in the following circumstances:

    • when we are required or authorized by law to do so, such as if a court issues a subpoena;
    • when you have consented to the disclosure;
    • when the services we are providing to you require us to give your personal information to a third party your consent will be implied, unless you tell us otherwise;
    • where it is necessary to establish or collect amounts owed to us;
    • if we engage a third party to provide administrative services to us (such as computer back-up services or archival file storage) and the third party is bound by this Policy;
    • if the personal information is already publicly known.

    We may share your personal information with our business partners when you grant us permission to share the personal data, e.g. by opting-in to email communications from a business partner on the HockeyShot website. Please be aware that these partners are governed by separate privacy policies.


    We may share your personal information with our business partners and certain service providers in order to provide services to you, to verify and validate information, and to address customer service matters. Examples of service providers include our payment processor, Shopify Payments. These service providers are not authorized by us to use or disclose the information except as necessary to perform services on our behalf or comply with legal requirements. If you do not wish for us to provide your personal information to those service providers, we may be unable to provide you with the full range of services available through our website.

    Occasionally, we may use service providers outside of Canada to process and/or store personal information for us. Please note that personal information in the custody of these service providers may be subject to access by the law enforcement authorities of those jurisdictions in which the service providers are located. Our Privacy Department, whose contact information is provided below, can provide further information about our policies and practices regarding service providers located outside of Canada and further information about how these service providers, collect, use, disclose or store personal information on our behalf.


    In the event that our business undergoes a fundamental change, such as a sale or financing, merger, transfer of all or a portion of our business or assets (“Business Change”), we may disclose your personal information to the counterparties to the transaction and their professional advisors as necessary for them to conduct due diligence and to complete the transaction. However, this information would only be disclosed with the requirements that the counterparties and their professional advisors maintain your information as confidential and that any successor to our business only use and disclose your information for those purposes for which you have provided consent to us. Following such Business Change, you may contact the entity to which we disclosed your information with an inquiry concerning the processing of that information.


    From time to time, we offer promotional contests. If you choose to participate in one of our contests, we may collect personal information in order to allow you to participate in that contest. The personal information we collect from the contest may be used in a specific way in relation to that contest. All contest details, including official rules, are posted during the contest period and will disclose how your personal information will be used. Those disclosures shall override anything to the contrary in this Policy with respect to the personal information collected, used and disclosed in connection with that contest. Certain contests conducted on third party social media platforms, such as Facebook, may also be subject to the specific terms and policies of that platform.


    If you send us an email with questions or comments, we may use your personal information to respond to your questions or comments, and we may save your questions or comments for future reference. However, aside from our reply to such an email, it is not our standard practice to email you directly unless you request a particular service that involves email communications. You may also have the opportunity to subscribe to an email list or electronic newsletter that will send information about our websites or our advertisers to your email address. We will provide you with the option to change your preferences and opt-out of receiving those communications. You may request at any time that we not email you in the future by clicking the "unsubscribe" link, which will be included at the bottom of any email that you receive from us. If you unsubscribe, we will make reasonable efforts to discontinue these email communications as soon as practicable.


    We respect your privacy. We will only use information you provide through the Program to transmit your mobile messages and respond to you, if necessary. This includes, but is not limited to, sharing information with platform providers, phone companies, and other vendors who assist us in the delivery of mobile messages.  WE DO NOT SELL, RENT, LOAN, TRADE, LEASE, OR OTHERWISE TRANSFER FOR PROFIT ANY PHONE NUMBERS OR CUSTOMER INFORMATION COLLECTED THROUGH THE PROGRAM TO ANY THIRD PARTY. Nonetheless, We reserve the right at all times to disclose any information as necessary to satisfy any law, regulation or governmental request, to avoid liability, or to protect Our rights or property. When you complete forms online or otherwise provide Us information in connection with the Program, you agree to provide accurate, complete, and true information. You agree not to use a false or misleading name or a name that you are not authorized to use. If, in Our sole discretion, We believe that any such information is untrue, inaccurate, or incomplete, or you have opted into the Program for an ulterior purpose, We may refuse you access to the Program and pursue any appropriate legal remedies.


    Like many other companies, we engage in online behavioural advertising or interest-based advertising. "Online behavioral advertising” or “interest-based advertising” includes advertisements served to you after you leave our website, encouraging you to return. They also include advertisements that we think are relevant based on your shopping habits or online activities. These advertisements might be served on websites or on apps. They might also be served in emails. These advertisements maybe served by us or other third parties. They might be about our products or other companies' products.

    You have some choices when it comes to online behavioural advertising: We adhere to the Digital Advertising Alliance Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioural Advertising and the Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada’s Canadian Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioural Advertising. DAA’s principles are available: and DAA Canada’s principles available:

    • the Self-Regulatory Program for Online Behavioral Advertising program provides consumers with the ability to opt-out of having their online behavior recorded and used for advertising purposes.
    • The Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”) also offers a tool for opting-out of the collection of cross-app data on a mobile device for interest-based advertising.

    For more information, including how to opt out of having your online behavior collected for advertising purposes or to exercise choice for companies participating in the DAA tool, please see Choices you make are both browser and device-specific.


    Our website currently does not respond to Do Not Track signals in browsers. While we collect personal information from you as described in this Policy, we do not collect personal information from you to monitor your online activities across third party websites or online services (also known as behavioral advertising).

    Third parties that have content embedded on our website (such as buttons, widgets, and other embedded features or content) may set Cookies on a user’s browser or obtain information about the fact that you visited our website from a certain IP address. Our service providers may also collect personal information as described in the section above through the use of an embedded button or similar technology. We do not authorize third parties to collect any other personal information from our website unless you provide it to them directly.


    We protect your personal information using commercially reasonable physical, organizational and technical measures. To guard against unauthorized access to your data, we use the latest encryption technologies, implement rigorous password protections, secure our premises and place limits on the number of people who have access to your information.


    If you have registered as a member, you are responsible for the security of your password used to login to your user account. Please notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your user account or any other breach of security relating to your account. CanadaWide Sports will not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of your failure to comply with this section. You may be issued a new password or occasionally be required to change your password. We encourage you to create a secure password. The Sign Out link is always available on the top right side of your screen, in the Account dropdown. If you are using a public computer we recommend you sign out after you are done visiting the HockeyShot website.


    We only retain your personal information as long as reasonably necessary for us to complete our dealings with you, or as may be required by law, whichever is longer. If you want to delete your account entirely, please see the section above or contact us at the details below.


    You have a right to review any of the information that we hold about you and to contact us in order to learn about how we have used it or to whom we have disclosed it. Subject to any exceptions prescribed by law, you can access and correct your personal information and challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information we have about you. We may deny access when required or authorized by law. For example, we may deny access when granting access would have an unreasonable impact on other people’s privacy or when necessary to protect our confidential commercial information and the requested information cannot be severed from the balance of the record in which it is contained. If we deny your request for access to, or refuse a request to correct information, we shall explain why.

    If you have a user account, you can review and change the personal information in your member profile at any time. To do that, click the account link at the top of any page.


    It is our policy not to knowingly collect personal information from individuals under the age of 13 without verifiable parental consent. If you are a parent or guardian and you suspect that your child may have submitted personal information to us, please contact us at [email protected]. If we become aware that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, we will strive to delete such information from our servers as soon as possible.

    In general, we collect the same information from children that we collect from other users of our websites, and we use and share such information for the same purposes. We will not knowingly require a child to disclose more information than is reasonably necessary to participate in an activity. If at any time a parent or guardian wishes to access, correct, delete, or control the disclosure of personal information provided by his or her child, he or she should contact us at [email protected].


    If you are a user under the age of 18 and reside in California, and you wish for your published content to be removed from our website, please provide CanadaWide Sports Agent listed below with the following information in a written notice:

    1. Confirmation that you are currently a legal resident of the state of California;
    2. Confirmation that you are under the age of 18 by providing your date of birth;
    3. A description of the exact content that you are seeking to have removed (please provide a URL if possible);
    4. Your full name; and
    5. Your email address.

    HockeyShot’s designated Agent for California Minor Removal Requests can be reached as follows:

    Service Provider: CanadaWide Sports Inc.
    Name of Agent for Notice: Copyright Agent
    By mail: 7025 Langer Drive, Suite 115, Mississauga, ON L5N 0E8
    By phone: +1 (519) 653-1232
    Email: [email protected] (please add “California Minor Removal Request” to the subject line)


    Residents of the State of California have the right to request a list of all third parties to which we have disclosed certain information during the preceding year for the third parties' direct marketing purposes. However, it is our policy to neither disclose personal information, nor to sell such information to third parties for direct marketing purposes without your consent. Read Our CCPA Privacy Notice.


    Like many other websites, our website contains links to other third party websites which are not governed by the terms of this Policy (“Linked Sites”). These links are provided for your convenience only and not imply endorsement by us of the Linked Site or any association with its operators. Please be aware that these Linked Sites are governed by separate privacy policies. We encourage you to be aware when you click these links and leave our site. Your use of these Linked Sites is at your own risk.


    We may modify this Policy at any time, and such modifications shall be effective as soon as the modified Policy is posted. Accordingly, you agree to review the Policy periodically, and your continued access or use of this website shall be deemed your acceptance of the modified Policy. If you have any questions or comments about our Privacy Policy, please contact our Privacy Department at [email protected] or by submitting an inquiry on our Contact Us page of this website.